Mathildenhoehe Titelbild
Institut Mathildenhöhe, Städtische Kunstsammlung Darmstadt

Albin Müller

csm albin mueller 9cfd4c74c8
Ein Dokument deutscher Kunst 1901 – 1976: Die Künstler der Mathildenhöhe Band 4, Eduard Roether Verlag Darmstadt; Seite 143

Albin Müller

architect, sculptor, craftsman, carpenter
* 1871 in Dittersbach / Erzgebirge
† 1941 in Darmstadt

Müller was trained as a carpenter in his father’s workshop; he then worked in various places, first as a furniture maker, then as a draftsman in large companies. At the same time, he attended the Kunstgewerbe­schulen (schools of arts and crafts) in Mainz and Dresden to become an interior designer. Afterwards, Müller was elected as teacher to the Kunst­gewerbe- und Hand­werker­schule in Magdeburg. In 1906, Müller was appointed to the Artists' Colony in Darmstadt. Together with Joseph Maria Olbrich, he was responsible for organising the Hessian State Exhibition of Fine and Applied Arts of 1908 on the Mathildenhöhe. Here, only a few years later he was able to build his own house in a prominent location. At the last exhibition of 1914 he was artistic director. Even after the First World War, Albin Mmüller, as he called himself as an artist, worked as an architect, dealing intensively with designs for wooden houses.

csm Wasserbecken 1914 Albin Mu ller Becken Montage Himmel 1355 20.08.2012 CF002153 20x13 25 3a4eab8b50
Lily Basin
Albin Müller
Pergola und Garden
Albin Müller
csm 6 Schwanentempel fmd481021 fc0de1a1d3
Gardenpavillon ("Swan Temple")
Albin Müller
Albin Müller, Ateliergebaeude, 1914, Gesamtansicht, Foto: Nikolaus Heiss
Studio Building
Albin Müller

Weitere Künstler

csm bosselt a926267c96
Rudolf Bosselt
sculptor, carpenter, medallist, chaser

* 1871 in Perleberg
† 1938 in Berlin

csm christiansen b4b26c61cf
Hans Christiansen
painter, graphic artist, craftsman

* 1866 in Flensburg
† 1945 in Wiesbaden

csm habich c9845f95c6
Ludwig Habich

* 1872 Darmstadt
† 1949 Jugenheim

csm Margold b 20534b15be
Emanuel Josef Margold
architect, graphic artist, craftsman

* 1888 in Wien
† 1962 in Bratislava